Mats Theselius (b. 1956) is one of Scandinavia's most acclaimed but also most unique designers. He moves effortlessly between art and design, between utopia and practice, between exclusivity and popular expressions. No matter from which continent, time period, or cultural sphere that he gets his inspiration, the result is instantly identifiable.
The Universe of Mats Theselius is the designer's most comprehensive retrospective exhibition to date. Included are a large selection of his many pieces of furniture and other objects created since his debut in 1985 with the now iconic Elk Leather Chair.
The exhibition is also a unique presentation of the process leading up to each project. Not in the form of sketches and prototypes, customary in exhibitions, but rather through the actual objects that surround Mats Theselius and that he is inspired by and that he references in his work. There are books, toys, musical instruments and fascinating everyday objects that he has brougt home from travels worldwide, a collection that today is an invaluable source for new ideas.
Thanks to: AJ Products, Elanders Fälth & Hässler, Värnamo Sliperi & Glasmästeri
Photos: Johann Bergenholtz